Things an ERMHS evaluation my consider that a psychoed does not always include:
– OFAID: Onset, Frequency, Antecedents, Intensity, and Duration of symptoms
– Psychiatric, medical, developmental, and treatment history
– Severity of behavior, Chronicity, Behavioral change / generalizability, Treatment strength, Treatment integrity, Treatment effectiveness
An important part of the ERMHS process is establishing what is going on (the problem), what has been tried (past interventions or services), and is change necessary (more, less, or different services). I have seen some districts use the following criteria in ERMHS evaluations:
“The purpose of this assessment is to determine if further mental health related services are required for Fname to access and benefit from his/her individualized education program. A student may be considered eligible for ERMHS if they…
…are eligible for special education,
…are exhibiting significant social, emotional, and/or behavioral challenges that significantly impede access to education or impede the ability to accomplish IEP goals,
…are not responsive to previous interventions or related services,
…are deemed to have the capacity to benefit from services, and
…require ERMHS to benefit from special education in their least restrictive environment.
ERMHS are defined as related services provided to a student whose emotional and behavioral needs are documented to be more intense in frequency, duration, and intensity; affect their ability to benefit from their special education program; and are manifested in school, at home, and in the community. Therefore, ERMHS are intended to be a higher level of intervention services.”